Deteksi otomatis bidang dokumen

Penganalisis kami secara cerdas mengenali dan secara otomatis mendeteksi nilai bidang unik dari dokumen yang diunggah.

Pengenalan bahasa dokumen

Deteksi bahasa dokumen, gambar, dan file PDF yang dipindai atau dicetak.

Pengenalan Karakter Optik (OCR)

Konversikan dokumen yang dipindai atau dicetak, termasuk gambar dan file PDF, menjadi teks yang dapat dibaca mesin.

Integrasi dan otomatisasi

Penganalisis dokumen kami dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem perangkat lunak atau proses kerja yang ada.


Dari kontrak dan faktur hingga catatan medis dan laporan pengujian, kehidupan sehari-hari dan lingkungan kerja kita dipenuhi dengan beragam dokumen. Menavigasi lautan dokumentasi yang terus meningkat ini bisa menjadi tugas yang sulit dan memakan waktu. Saat ini, penerapan strategi dan teknologi inovatif untuk mengelola dan memproses dokumen-dokumen ini menjadi semakin penting.

Hapus pola dan ekstraksi berbasis aturan
Our parsers outshine Template and Rule-based Extraction methods by tapping into the immense power of language understanding. This eliminates the need for extensive template learning, as we can adapt to various document formats and structures without rigid predefined rules.
Pengenalan Karakter Optik (OCR)
Our parsers employ Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to convert scanned or printed documents, including images and PDFs, into machine-readable text. This conversion process enables the extraction of information from these documents, facilitating data extraction and analysis.
Mengekstrak teks tabel
Our parsers excel in extracting text from tables found in various types of documents, including scanned or printed materials like images and PDFs. By employing advanced techniques, we enable businesses to effortlessly extract and analyze information from these tables.
Tinjauan dan penggunaan data
Our document parsers provide the ability to verify the extracted data for accuracy. Users can thoroughly examine the extracted information and leverage it for diverse purposes, including analytics, data processing, and seamless integration with existing systems.
Deteksi lapangan otomatis
Our parsers intelligently recognizes and auto-detects unique fields from uploaded sample documents, simplifying the field creation process.
Penanganan dokumen tidak terstruktur
Our document parsers excel at processing unstructured text, allowing them to handle diverse document formats such as PDFs, images, and plain text files.
Ekstraksi data
We can extract various fields and information from documents, including entities, key phrases, dates, numbers, and more. They leverage their language comprehension capabilities to identify and extract specific information accurately.
Dukungan multibahasa
Our document parsers can process documents written in different languages, making them versatile for organizations dealing with multilingual documents and international operations.
Deteksi dan koreksi kesalahan
Our parsers can identify potential errors, inconsistencies, or grammatical issues within the document and provide suggestions or corrections to improve the quality of the extracted content.
Dapat disesuaikan
Our parsers can be fine-tuned and customized to specific document types or domains, improving extraction accuracy and adapting to unique requirements.
Pemahaman kontekstual
Our parsers leverage contextual information to enhance the accuracy of data extraction. They consider information from previous sentences or paragraphs to resolve ambiguities and capture the correct meaning of the document.
Pemahaman bahasa alami
Our parsers possess advanced natural language understanding capabilities, enabling them to comprehend and interpret complex sentences, context, and nuances within the document.
Our parsers can handle large volumes of documents efficiently, making them scalable for organizations dealing with high document throughput.
Validasi dan verifikasi data
Our parsers can perform validation and verification checks on extracted data, ensuring its accuracy by comparing it against known patterns.
Identifikasi entitas bernama
Our service can identify and classify named entities within the document, such as names of people, organizations, locations, dates, and more.
Integrasi dan otomatisasi
Our document parsers can be integrated into existing software systems or workflows, enabling seamless automation of document processing and data extraction.

Parse Documents

Ubah proses pemrosesan dokumen Anda dengan sistem ekstraksi data canggih yang didukung AI yang membantu Anda mengambil keputusan lebih cerdas.