Deteksi otomatis bidang dokumen

Penganalisis kami secara cerdas mengenali dan secara otomatis mendeteksi nilai bidang unik dari dokumen yang diunggah.

Pengenalan bahasa dokumen

Deteksi bahasa dokumen, gambar, dan file PDF yang dipindai atau dicetak.

Pengenalan Karakter Optik (OCR)

Konversikan dokumen yang dipindai atau dicetak, termasuk gambar dan file PDF, menjadi teks yang dapat dibaca mesin.

Integrasi dan otomatisasi

Penganalisis dokumen kami dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem perangkat lunak atau proses kerja yang ada.

Ekstraksi Data Dokumen Dikelola oleh Large Linguistic Model (LLM).

Memperkenalkan layanan inovatif kami - ekstraksi data dokumen yang didukung oleh model bahasa besar (LLM). Manfaatkan kemampuan luas pemrosesan bahasa alami dan algoritme pembelajaran mesin yang canggih untuk mengekstrak informasi spesifik secara akurat dari berbagai jenis dokumen. Sederhanakan proses manajemen dokumen Anda dan dapatkan efisiensi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dengan teknologi canggih kami.

Uji dokumen Anda

Manfaatkan penguraian otomatis saat memproses dokumen Anda. Cepat, sederhana dan akurat. Mencoba:

Harap bersabar karena permintaan mungkin memerlukan waktu beberapa hingga lebih dari 10 detik untuk diproses.

Deteksi otomatis bidang dokumen

Penganalisis kami secara cerdas mengenali dan secara otomatis mendeteksi nilai bidang unik dari dokumen yang diunggah.

In document management, extracting specific data from diverse document types can be a laborious and error-prone process. Manual data extraction from documents is time-consuming and prone to inaccuracies and inconsistencies.
Our Document Fields Parsing service utilizes cutting-edge Large Language Models (LLMs) to tackle document data extraction challenges. Through advanced natural language processing, we provide a precise and efficient method to extract specific information from various document sources.
Try our API for Document Fields Parsing and revolutionize your document management processes, leaving manual data extraction in the past and embracing the future of automated, accurate data retrieval.

Pengenalan bahasa dokumen

Deteksi bahasa dokumen, gambar, dan file PDF yang dipindai atau dicetak.

In a multilingual world, understanding the language of text content is essential for effective communication and processing. Manually identifying the language of documents can be time-consuming and error-prone.
Our Language Detection service offers an automated solution to the challenge of identifying document languages. With advanced algorithms, it accurately and quickly detects the language of text content, saving time and ensuring language-specific processing.
Experience the efficiency of our Language Detection service by integrating our REST API into your applications. Our API provides a simple way to incorporate language detection capabilities, ensuring language-specific processing and enhancing the user experience.

Pengenalan Karakter Optik (OCR)

Konversikan dokumen yang dipindai atau dicetak, termasuk gambar dan file PDF, menjadi teks yang dapat dibaca mesin.

Manually transcribing data from physical documents is time-consuming and error-prone, making it a significant challenge in our digital world.
Our OCR service uses advanced technology to accurately convert printed and handwritten text into digital content, saving time and ensuring data accuracy.
Integrate our user-friendly REST API to easily extract text from documents in your software or applications. Experience fast, secure, and reliable text recognition with our comprehensive support.

Integrasi dan otomatisasi

Penganalisis dokumen kami dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem perangkat lunak atau proses kerja yang ada.

Integration and Automation
Take advantage of our seamless integration with mobile applications. By incorporating our Document Fields Parsing API, Language Detection service, and OCR technology, your mobile app users can effortlessly scan and extract data from various documents, eliminating the need for manual data entry. Improve user productivity and streamline document management on the go.
REST API Services
Our REST API services provide a flexible and user-friendly way to access our powerful document processing capabilities. Whether you're looking to extract specific data fields, identify document languages, or perform OCR on scanned documents, our REST APIs make it easy to integrate these features into your software or applications. Enjoy the benefits of automated document processing and enhance the efficiency of your workflows.
Webhooks for Parsed Document Data
With our Webhooks integration, you can receive parsed document data in real-time and have it sent directly to your HTTP endpoint. This feature ensures that the extracted information is seamlessly incorporated into your existing systems and processes. Say goodbye to manual data entry and welcome a more automated and streamlined approach to document management.

Parse Documents

Ubah proses pemrosesan dokumen Anda dengan sistem ekstraksi data canggih yang didukung AI yang membantu Anda mengambil keputusan lebih cerdas.