Automatic document field detection

Our parsers intelligently recognizes and auto-detects unique fields from uploaded documents.

Document language detection

Detect the language in scanned or printed documents, images, and PDFs.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Convert scanned or printed documents, including images and PDFs, into machine-readable text.

Integration and automation

Our document parsers can be integrated into existing software systems or workflows.


  • Created by: paleicikas
  • Total usage: 0

Cover Letters

Extract data from Cover Letters documents
A total of 12 fields will be extracted from the uploaded documents:
  • Sender Name
  • Receiver Name
  • Sender Address
  • Receiver Address
  • Date
  • Subject
  • Opening Salutation
  • Body of the Letter
  • Closing Salutation
  • Sender Signature
  • Attachments mentioned
  • Contact Information
What format will be used for exporting the data?
  • JSON
  • CSV (Comma Separated Values)
  • Excel
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Test your document
Also available
Job descriptions
Extract data from Job Description documents
Employee Contracts
Extract data from Employee Contracts documents
Performance Reports
Extract data from Performance Reports
Extract data from Timesheets documents